I offer both in-person and online group sessions, depending on the need.
The experience of working in a group setting can be very empowering as you share experiences, learn from one another and realise that you are not alone.
Group Sessions I am currently offering:
These support groups are held online once a week (2 hour sessions), over a 6 week period. Participants will receive emotional support & validation for what they are experiencing in a safe, welcoming and confidential space. Each session will focus on a different psychosocial aspect that may affect a long chronic disease sufferer, for example: dealing with fatigue, managing fear & anxiety, addressing negative thinking and processing loss.
Each support group will be limited to 12 participants and will remain a closed group for the duration of the 6 weeks. They are run repeatedly throughout the year, so please contact me if you would like to find out when the next online support group will be held.
2. MANAGING EXAM ANXIETY (online or in-person):
For adolescents and students: this includes 3x group sessions and an individual session.
​NOTE: Participants on a medical aid scheme will be able to claim a portion of the cost of the group sessions if their medical aid plan covers group counselling.
"Human connections are deeply nurtured in the field of shared story."
Jean Housten